
Nancy Bernier

Travel Advisor
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Upon receiving her college diploma in tourism, Nancy began her career as a travel advisor. Since then, she has had the opportunity to travel all over the world, with her two favorite destinations being Poland and the United Kingdom, both located in Europe. As a Team Leader in the Business Services department from 2002 to 2020, her expertise in corporate travel will help you find the best solution for your business trips.

In the travel industry since 1996
I have visited 16 countries
England is my favorite destination

Madame Bernier est très courtoise et efficace! Elle est mon contact depuis plusieurs années et j’ai toujours eu de l’excellent service!

Frederic L.

Nancy Bernier is the best, always liked dealing with her. She is very helpful.

Shelley M.

Très grande réactivité, capacité d’adaptation et définitivement en mode « solutions »!

Philippe H.

L’excellent travail de Nancy Bernier, autant au moment de la réservation que lorsque nous avons des problèmes avec les vols, Nancy est rapide et très efficace pour régler les problèmes.

Francois B.

Service tout simplement exceptionnel de Mme. Nancy Bernier.

Louis V.

Would you like to schedule an appointment?

Contact us by phone or email to schedule an appointment with one of our experts. We will then be delighted to assist you in planning all your travel projects.

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